West Covina Weather Forecast California, United States of America

Mon 20 Jan Weather in West Covina

Sunrise: 06:55 AM
Sunset: 05:11 PM
Moonrise: 11:55 PM
Moonset: 10:33 AM
15.5 °c
5.5 °c
9.3 °c
0.02 mm
Max Wind:
10.8 kph
Mon 20
0:00 am
Mon 20
3:00 am
Mon 20
6:00 am
Mon 20
9:00 am
Mon 20
12:00 pm
Mon 20
3:00 pm
Mon 20
6:00 pm
Mon 20
9:00 pm
WeatherPartly Cloudy Clear Clear SunnySunnyPatchy rain nearbyClear Clear
Wind3.6 kmph2.5 kmph2.2 kmph4.3 kmph4.7 kmph9.7 kmph9.0 kmph6.5 kmph
Gust7.6 kmph5.4 kmph4.7 kmph7.9 kmph5.4 kmph11.2 kmph12.2 kmph13.3 kmph
Precip0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm
Pressure1016 mb1015 mb1015 mb1016 mb1016 mb1015 mb1017 mb1020 mb

Hotels Near West Covina

Cities Near West Covina

West CovinaBaldwin ParkValinda
West Puente ValleyCovinaLa Puente
Avocado HeightsCitrusSouth San Jose Hills
AzusaEl MonteDuarte
WalnutHacienda HeightsCharter Oak
South El MonteGlendoraMonrovia
Rowland HeightsTemple CityArcadia
RosemeadDiamond BarSan Dimas
WhittierSierra MadreSouth Whittier
La HabraSan GabrielLa Verne

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