We get our weather data from thousands of global private and public weather stations and weather data providers in the world.
Real-time or current weather data comes from thousands of live weather stations and personal weather stations from around the world. These are updated every 10-15 min.
Forecast weather is forecast data and not from actual data i.e. the data has been forecast through our in house weather forecasting application by taking raw data from different agencies like European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, World Meteorological Organization, NASA weather satellite imagery, NOAA GFS2 model, JMA model, etc. It then applies terrain, population, altitude and other factors before providing final forecast data. Forecast data is updated every 4-6 hours in a day.
Our historical weather is an archive of forecast data and is archived just after midnight for the previous day. So for example data for 1st Jan 2019 has been archived just after midnight on 2nd Jan 2019.