Sare Jatta Weather Forecast Upper River, Gambia

Sat 25 May Weather in Sare Jatta

Sunrise: 06:29 AM
Sunset: 07:19 PM
Moonrise: 09:26 PM
Moonset: 07:54 AM
107.6 °f
76.7 °f
92.0 °f
0.00 in
Max Wind:
10.1 mph
Sat 25
0:00 am
Sat 25
3:00 am
Sat 25
6:00 am
Sat 25
9:00 am
Sat 25
12:00 pm
Sat 25
3:00 pm
Sat 25
6:00 pm
Sat 25
9:00 pm
WeatherPartly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Clear SunnyPartly Cloudy Partly Cloudy SunnyClear
Wind11.2 mph10.7 mph7.6 mph7.2 mph9.4 mph8.9 mph4.9 mph6.9 mph
Gust16.4 mph14.6 mph11.1 mph8.2 mph10.8 mph10.3 mph6.1 mph14.6 mph
Precip0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in
Pressure29.9 in29.8 in29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in29.8 in29.8 in29.8 in

Cities Near Sare Jatta

Sare JattaSotumaDaba Kunda
GambissaraDemba KundaJurro Kunda
BakadagyJaha MadinaKossemar Momadu Sutu
Sare MusaChangally ChewduMissira
Sabally KundaJababaMane Kunda
FatakoBasseMbye Kunda
Giroba KundaJendehSabi
Sare BiramDarsilamiJum Bakary
KerewanKumbijaDiabugu Tenda
Sare BonaTinkinjoSifula

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