Mbye Kunda Weather Forecast Upper River, Gambia

Tomorrow's Weather in Mbye Kunda

Sunrise: 06:30 AM
Sunset: 07:17 PM
Moonrise: 03:21 PM
Moonset: 03:03 AM
103.8 °f
78.9 °f
90.9 °f
0.00 in
Max Wind:
8.9 mph
Sat 18
0:00 am
Sat 18
3:00 am
Sat 18
6:00 am
Sat 18
9:00 am
Sat 18
12:00 pm
Sat 18
3:00 pm
Sat 18
6:00 pm
Sat 18
9:00 pm
WeatherClear Clear Clear Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Clear
Wind8.9 mph6.5 mph4.9 mph5.4 mph6.3 mph6.0 mph4.5 mph6.3 mph
Gust14.0 mph9.5 mph7.6 mph6.2 mph7.2 mph7.0 mph5.4 mph13.2 mph
Precip0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in
Pressure29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in29.8 in29.8 in29.8 in

Cities Near Mbye Kunda

Mbye KundaJendehDarsilami
Jaha MadinaChangally ChewduTuba-Wuli
KerewanFaratoDaba Kunda
Demba WenduSotumaBasse
Mane KundaSare JattaSare Ngaba
Giroba KundaKossemar Momadu SutuFatako
Berry NarbehSabally KundaBakadagy
Demba KundaDiabugu TendaTinkinjo
Jurro KundaSare BonaKumbija

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