Mazkeret Batya Weather Forecast HaMerkaz, Israel

Thu 13 Feb Weather in Mazkeret Batya

Sunrise: 06:25 AM
Sunset: 05:26 PM
Moonrise: 06:21 PM
Moonset: 06:58 AM
15.9 °c
11.1 °c
12.9 °c
0.01 mm
Max Wind:
14.8 kph
Thu 13
0:00 am
Thu 13
3:00 am
Thu 13
6:00 am
Thu 13
9:00 am
Thu 13
12:00 pm
Thu 13
3:00 pm
Thu 13
6:00 pm
Thu 13
9:00 pm
WeatherPartly Cloudy Clear Partly Cloudy SunnySunnySunnyClear Clear
Wind6.1 kmph5.8 kmph5.0 kmph4.0 kmph7.9 kmph13.7 kmph14.0 kmph12.2 kmph
Gust11.5 kmph10.8 kmph9.0 kmph5.0 kmph9.7 kmph18.4 kmph22.0 kmph20.9 kmph
Precip0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm
Pressure1026 mb1026 mb1026 mb1027 mb1026 mb1025 mb1025 mb1025 mb

Hotels Near Mazkeret Batya

Cities Near Mazkeret Batya

Mazkeret BatyaGederaRamla
YavneLodGan Yavne
Kefar HabadBet DaganAshdod
Bet ShemeshAzurQiryat Ono
Or YehudaBat YamYafo
AshdodSavyonGanne Tiqwa
Qiryat OnoNehalimTel Aviv
Abu GhoshTel Aviv-YafoRamat Gan
Bene BeraqQiryat GatAshqelon
Kafar QasemRamat HasharonHod Hasharon

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