Apopka Weather Forecast Florida, United States of America

Wed 09 Oct Weather in Apopka

Sunrise: 07:24 AM
Sunset: 07:02 PM
Moonrise: 01:41 PM
Moonset: 11:44 PM
79.2 °f
71.2 °f
75.2 °f
12.40 in
Max Wind:
41.6 mph
Wed 09
0:00 am
Wed 09
3:00 am
Wed 09
6:00 am
Wed 09
9:00 am
Wed 09
12:00 pm
Wed 09
3:00 pm
Wed 09
6:00 pm
Wed 09
9:00 pm
WeatherModerate or heavy rain showerModerate rainModerate rainHeavy rainHeavy rainLight rainPatchy rain nearbyLight rain
Wind4.5 mph5.8 mph8.7 mph14.5 mph16.6 mph28.6 mph41.6 mph20.8 mph
Gust6.8 mph8.8 mph13.4 mph22.7 mph29.2 mph45.2 mph65.0 mph28.4 mph
Precip0.11 in0.17 in0.82 in1.59 in1.19 in0.07 in0.00 in0.03 in
Pressure29.7 in29.7 in29.7 in29.7 in29.6 in29.4 in29.0 in29.1 in

Cities Near Apopka

ApopkaWekiva SpringsForest City
LockhartOcoeeAltamonte Springs
Pine HillsWinter GardenFairview Shores
MaitlandFern ParkLongwood
CasselberryMount DoraWinter Park
Winter SpringsOrlandoLake Mary
GoldenrodOak RidgeTavares
Azalea ParkDoctor PhillipsEustis
ConwaySanfordPine Castle
OviedoClermontUniversity Park

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