Rome Weather Forecast Lazio, Italy

Wed 18 Dec Weather in Rome

Sunrise: 07:33 AM
Sunset: 04:41 PM
Moonrise: 07:54 PM
Moonset: 10:24 AM
13.6 °c
9.8 °c
12.0 °c
2.91 mm
Max Wind:
25.6 kph
Wed 18
0:00 am
Wed 18
3:00 am
Wed 18
6:00 am
Wed 18
9:00 am
Wed 18
12:00 pm
Wed 18
3:00 pm
Wed 18
6:00 pm
Wed 18
9:00 pm
WeatherPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyLight rain showerPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyLight rain showerPatchy rain nearbyClear
Wind8.6 kmph12.6 kmph13.0 kmph14.0 kmph22.0 kmph20.2 kmph18.7 kmph15.5 kmph
Gust15.1 kmph22.0 kmph23.4 kmph22.0 kmph32.0 kmph30.6 kmph30.2 kmph26.6 kmph
Precip0.10 mm0.50 mm0.40 mm0.30 mm0.60 mm0.40 mm0.10 mm0.40 mm
Pressure1017 mb1016 mb1014 mb1013 mb1009 mb1007 mb1007 mb1007 mb

Hotels Near Rome

Cities Near Rome

RomeVatican CityCiampino
Castel FusanoAlbano LazialeRocca Di Papa
Rocca PrioraFiumicinoAriccia
GuidoniaPomeziaAnguillara Sabazia
TivoliGenzano Di RomaSan Cesareo
Palombara SabinaZagaroloLanuvio

If you come to Europe and have not been to Rome then you are missing something. Do plan to go on holiday to Rome with your family and to know what to expect when you arrive or how it is going to be in Rome, the we would encourage you to read A Comprehensive Holiday Guide for Families Travelling to Rome. It is a long and detailed point to point holiday guide for Rome on top attractions, things to do, safety, etc.

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