Doctor Phillips Weather Forecast Florida, United States of America

Tue 22 Oct Weather in Doctor Phillips

Sunrise: 07:32 AM
Sunset: 06:49 PM
Moonrise: 11:25 PM
Moonset: 01:13 PM
82.0 °f
74.1 °f
77.4 °f
0.01 in
Max Wind:
18.3 mph
Tue 22
0:00 am
Tue 22
3:00 am
Tue 22
6:00 am
Tue 22
9:00 am
Tue 22
12:00 pm
Tue 22
3:00 pm
Tue 22
6:00 pm
Tue 22
9:00 pm
WeatherPatchy rain nearbyClear Clear Patchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbySunnyClear
Wind11.9 mph10.5 mph11.2 mph12.8 mph17.2 mph17.7 mph15.0 mph12.1 mph
Gust17.4 mph16.6 mph17.9 mph18.1 mph19.9 mph21.0 mph20.4 mph18.6 mph
Precip0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in
Pressure30.1 in30.0 in30.0 in30.1 in30.1 in30.1 in30.1 in30.1 in

Cities Near Doctor Phillips

Doctor PhillipsOak RidgePine Castle
Pine HillsOcoeeOrlando
Winter GardenConwayFairview Shores
KissimmeeLockhartAzalea Park
Winter ParkMaitlandForest City
ApopkaFern ParkAltamonte Springs
GoldenrodWekiva SpringsClermont
CasselberrySaint CloudUniversity Park
LongwoodWinter SpringsOviedo
Lake MaryHaines CityMount Dora

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