Canada Alisos Weather Forecast Baja California, Mexico

Mon 21 Oct Weather in Canada Alisos

Sunrise: 06:57 AM
Sunset: 06:08 PM
Moonrise: 09:38 PM
Moonset: 11:56 AM
79.1 °f
61.6 °f
69.2 °f
0.00 in
Max Wind:
10.1 mph
Mon 21
0:00 am
Mon 21
3:00 am
Mon 21
6:00 am
Mon 21
9:00 am
Mon 21
12:00 pm
Mon 21
3:00 pm
Mon 21
6:00 pm
Mon 21
9:00 pm
WeatherClear Clear Clear SunnySunnySunnySunnyClear
Wind6.9 mph4.0 mph4.0 mph4.3 mph4.3 mph6.9 mph9.4 mph7.2 mph
Gust11.4 mph7.2 mph8.1 mph7.8 mph5.6 mph8.1 mph11.2 mph11.2 mph
Precip0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in
Pressure30.1 in30.1 in30.1 in30.1 in30.1 in30.0 in29.9 in29.9 in

Cities Near Canada Alisos

Canada AlisosRancho ReynosoRosarito
El PapaloteLa PalmaFamilia Leyva
La PonderosaLos AlisosFamilia Estrada Gonzalez (El Cuarenta y Cuatro)
Aguaje de la CabanaRancho AnahiCiudad Morelos
Punta AzulLa LadrilleraVillas Costa Rica
El MangleNinguno [Instituto Biblico Bautista]Lomas Altas Uno y Dos
Las DeliciasColinas del SolEl Capitan
Perla del PacificoAgua MarinaLas Espuelas
Los VolcanesSanta ElenaLomas de San Angel
La ProvidenciaRancho GuzmanCumbre del Mar

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