Bac Can Weather Forecast Vietnam

Weather Outlook


Lat/Lon:22.13, 105.83
Current time:7:19 am
Time Zone ID:Asia/Bangkok
Time Zone:(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
Sunrise:5:27 am
Sunset:6:23 pm

Today's Weather

Weather is Sunny Weather today in Bac Can will be sunny. The daytime temperature is going to reach 98.1 °f and the temperature is going to dip to 70.9 °f at night. It will be dry with no precipitation, the humidity will be around 69%.

Tomorrow Weather

Weather is Patchy rain nearbyBac Can weather tomorrow is forecasted to be patchy rain nearby. We expect around 0.0 In of precipitation to fall. The daytime temperature will be around 100.3 °f and the temperature is going to dip to 74.1 °f at night. The humidity will be 65%.

10 Day Weather Forecast

WeatherSunnyPatchy rain nearbyModerate rainModerate rainModerate rainPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyModerate rain
Wind5.6 mph6.3 mph5.1 mph3.4 mph5.4 mph4.3 mph4.0 mph1.8 mph5.4 mph3.6 mph
Precip0.00 in0.04 in0.35 in0.21 in0.45 in0.14 in0.08 in0.07 in0.01 in0.23 in
Sunrise05:26 AM05:26 AM05:25 AM05:24 AM05:24 AM05:23 AM05:22 AM05:22 AM05:21 AM05:21 AM
Sunset06:22 PM06:22 PM06:23 PM06:23 PM06:24 PM06:24 PM06:25 PM06:25 PM06:25 PM06:26 PM
Moonrise11:31 PMNo moonrise12:22 AM01:09 AM01:51 AM02:30 AM03:08 AM03:45 AM04:24 AM05:07 AM
Moonset09:17 AM10:18 AM11:23 AM12:26 PM01:29 PM02:31 PM03:33 PM04:35 PM05:40 PM06:45 PM
PhaseWaning GibbousWaning GibbousLast QuarterWaning CrescentWaning CrescentWaning CrescentWaning CrescentWaning CrescentWaning CrescentNew Moon

Cities Near Bac Can

Bac CanThai NguyenTuyen Quang
Cao BangVinh YenLang Son
Viet TriBac GiangBac Ninh
Yen BaiSon TayHa Giang
Ha NoiHai DuongHoa Binh
Uong BiHai PhongPhu Ly
MabaiHong GaiNam Dinh
Thai BinhLao CaiCam Pha
Ninh BinhBoseKaihua
Son LaThanh HoaXam Nua

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