Altadena Weather Forecast California, United States of America

Sun 05 May Weather in Altadena

Sunrise: 05:59 AM
Sunset: 07:41 PM
Moonrise: 04:23 AM
Moonset: 05:15 PM
50.5 °f
45.4 °f
49.5 °f
0.09 in
Max Wind:
9.6 mph
Sun 05
0:00 am
Sun 05
3:00 am
Sun 05
6:00 am
Sun 05
9:00 am
Sun 05
12:00 pm
Sun 05
3:00 pm
Sun 05
6:00 pm
Sun 05
9:00 pm
WeatherLight rainLight rain showerPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearbyPatchy rain nearby
Wind9.2 mph8.9 mph7.4 mph6.9 mph8.7 mph9.4 mph8.3 mph6.3 mph
Gust11.0 mph11.4 mph9.8 mph9.4 mph14.8 mph17.0 mph15.9 mph11.6 mph
Precip0.02 in0.05 in0.01 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in
Pressure29.8 in29.8 in29.8 in29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in30.0 in

Cities Near Altadena

AltadenaPasadenaLa Canada Flintridge
Sierra MadreSan MarinoSouth Pasadena
ArcadiaAlhambraSan Gabriel
Temple CityGlendaleMonrovia
RosemeadMonterey ParkDuarte
BurbankEl MonteSouth El Monte
Los AngelesEast Los AngelesBaldwin Park
MontebelloCommerceWest Puente Valley
Avocado HeightsAzusaWest Covina
MaywoodPico RiveraCitrus

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