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Sat 08 Feb, 2025 Weather in Sykounta

Sunrise: 07:14 AM
Sunset: 05:44 PM
Moonrise: 01:15 PM
Moonset: 04:22 AM
8.5 °c
5.8 °c
7.1 °c
0.07 mm
Max Wind:
33.8 kph
Sat 08
0:00 am
Sat 08
3:00 am
Sat 08
6:00 am
Sat 08
9:00 am
Sat 08
12:00 pm
Sat 08
3:00 pm
Sat 08
6:00 pm
Sat 08
9:00 pm
IconPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPatchy rain possiblePartly cloudyClear
Wind29.2 kmph27.0 kmph27.4 kmph29.5 kmph31.0 kmph32.0 kmph32.4 kmph32.4 kmph
Precip0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm0.01 mm0.00 mm0.00 mm
Pressure1032 mb1031 mb1030 mb1030 mb1029 mb1027 mb1027 mb1027 mb

Sykounta Annual Weather Averages

MonthHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
January12°C / 53°F8°C / 46°F10°C / 50°F161 hours162.58 mm / 6.40 In9 days1017 mb / 31 In
February13°C / 55°F8°C / 47°F11°C / 51°F167 hours113.87 mm / 4.48 In7 days1017 mb / 31 In
March15°C / 58°F9°C / 49°F12°C / 53°F207 hours80.12 mm / 3.15 In6 days1016 mb / 30 In
April18°C / 65°F12°C / 54°F15°C / 59°F243 hours67.80 mm / 2.67 In5 days1014 mb / 30 In
May23°C / 73°F16°C / 61°F20°C / 67°F294 hours38.35 mm / 1.51 In4 days1013 mb / 30 In
June27°C / 81°F21°C / 69°F24°C / 75°F320 hours25.10 mm / 0.99 In3 days1011 mb / 30 In
July31°C / 87°F23°C / 73°F27°C / 80°F366 hours1.79 mm / 0.07 In0 days1009 mb / 30 In
August31°C / 88°F23°C / 73°F27°C / 80°F367 hours2.55 mm / 0.10 In1 days1010 mb / 30 In
September27°C / 81°F20°C / 68°F23°C / 74°F323 hours21.47 mm / 0.85 In2 days1013 mb / 30 In
October22°C / 71°F16°C / 61°F19°C / 66°F283 hours82.58 mm / 3.25 In4 days1017 mb / 31 In
November18°C / 64°F13°C / 56°F15°C / 59°F245 hours104.87 mm / 4.13 In6 days1018 mb / 31 In
December14°C / 57°F10°C / 49°F12°C / 53°F187 hours149.65 mm / 5.89 In7 days1018 mb / 31 In
North Aegean


Hotels Near Sykounta

Cities Near Sykounta

KariniYeraniaKato Tritos
Apidiias LakkosSkopelosMoria
ChalatsesMegalochorionPiryoi Thermis
MytiliniSkala MistegnonSkala Loutron
LoutraNeai KydoniaiAno Chorio


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