Stourbridge Weather History West Midlands, United Kingdom

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Sat 15 Feb, 2025 Weather in Stourbridge

Sunrise: 07:25 AM
Sunset: 05:22 PM
Moonrise: 08:53 PM
Moonset: 08:22 AM
4.1 °c
2.0 °c
3.1 °c
3.82 mm
Max Wind:
13.7 kph
Sat 15
0:00 am
Sat 15
3:00 am
Sat 15
6:00 am
Sat 15
9:00 am
Sat 15
12:00 pm
Sat 15
3:00 pm
Sat 15
6:00 pm
Sat 15
9:00 pm
IconLight drizzleLight drizzlePatchy rain possibleOvercastPatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possible
Wind13.0 kmph13.7 kmph13.3 kmph11.5 kmph10.4 kmph9.4 kmph8.6 kmph11.5 kmph
Precip0.56 mm0.42 mm0.04 mm0.00 mm0.01 mm0.07 mm0.11 mm0.02 mm
Pressure1023 mb1021 mb1020 mb1020 mb1019 mb1018 mb1018 mb1018 mb

Stourbridge Annual Weather Averages

MonthHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
January6°C / 43°F2°C / 35°F4°C / 39°F104 hours57.41 mm / 2.26 In8 days1014 mb / 30 In
February7°C / 45°F2°C / 36°F5°C / 40°F73 hours53.94 mm / 2.12 In7 days1014 mb / 30 In
March10°C / 50°F3°C / 37°F6°C / 43°F103 hours53.83 mm / 2.12 In8 days1015 mb / 30 In
April13°C / 55°F4°C / 39°F8°C / 47°F108 hours48.12 mm / 1.89 In7 days1016 mb / 30 In
May15°C / 60°F7°C / 45°F11°C / 53°F95 hours66.82 mm / 2.63 In8 days1016 mb / 30 In
June18°C / 65°F10°C / 50°F14°C / 58°F97 hours69.92 mm / 2.75 In8 days1016 mb / 30 In
July20°C / 69°F12°C / 54°F16°C / 61°F96 hours73.64 mm / 2.90 In9 days1015 mb / 30 In
August20°C / 68°F12°C / 54°F16°C / 61°F96 hours71.24 mm / 2.80 In8 days1014 mb / 30 In
September18°C / 64°F10°C / 51°F14°C / 57°F111 hours57.34 mm / 2.26 In7 days1016 mb / 30 In
October14°C / 57°F8°C / 47°F11°C / 52°F83 hours72.85 mm / 2.87 In7 days1014 mb / 30 In
November10°C / 49°F5°C / 41°F7°C / 45°F87 hours76.38 mm / 3.01 In8 days1011 mb / 30 In
December7°C / 45°F3°C / 38°F5°C / 41°F99 hours70.21 mm / 2.76 In8 days1013 mb / 30 In
West Midlands


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