Chateaubelair Weather History Saint David, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

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Fri 11 Oct, 2024 Weather in Chateaubelair

Sunrise: 05:55 AM
Sunset: 05:48 PM
Moonrise: 01:23 PM
Moonset: No moonset
82.7 °f
81.2 °f
81.7 °f
0.05 in
Max Wind:
14.5 mph
Fri 11
0:00 am
Fri 11
3:00 am
Fri 11
6:00 am
Fri 11
9:00 am
Fri 11
12:00 pm
Fri 11
3:00 pm
Fri 11
6:00 pm
Fri 11
9:00 pm
IconPatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possibleSunnyPatchy rain possiblePatchy rain possible
Wind13.0 mph12.5 mph13.6 mph13.2 mph13.2 mph13.6 mph11.4 mph13.6 mph
Precip0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in0.00 in
Pressure29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in30.0 in29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in29.9 in

Chateaubelair Annual Weather Averages

MonthHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
January25°C / 77°F23°C / 74°F24°C / 75°F166 hours37.64 mm / 1.48 In1 days1014 mb / 30 In
February25°C / 76°F23°C / 74°F24°C / 75°F177 hours23.92 mm / 0.94 In1 days1014 mb / 30 In
March25°C / 77°F23°C / 74°F24°C / 75°F179 hours25.20 mm / 0.99 In1 days1014 mb / 30 In
April25°C / 78°F24°C / 75°F25°C / 76°F147 hours43.72 mm / 1.72 In3 days1014 mb / 30 In
May26°C / 79°F25°C / 76°F25°C / 77°F154 hours49.29 mm / 1.94 In4 days1014 mb / 30 In
June26°C / 79°F25°C / 76°F25°C / 78°F118 hours96.66 mm / 3.81 In7 days1015 mb / 30 In
July26°C / 79°F25°C / 76°F25°C / 78°F121 hours128.61 mm / 5.06 In10 days1014 mb / 30 In
August27°C / 80°F25°C / 77°F26°C / 78°F123 hours153.40 mm / 6.04 In13 days1013 mb / 30 In
September27°C / 81°F26°C / 78°F26°C / 79°F141 hours138.44 mm / 5.45 In11 days1012 mb / 30 In
October27°C / 80°F25°C / 77°F26°C / 79°F142 hours162.37 mm / 6.39 In12 days1011 mb / 30 In
November26°C / 79°F25°C / 76°F25°C / 78°F119 hours134.75 mm / 5.31 In10 days1011 mb / 30 In
December26°C / 78°F24°C / 76°F25°C / 77°F153 hours55.95 mm / 2.20 In3 days1013 mb / 30 In
Saint David


Cities Near Chateaubelair

Kingstown ParkGeorgetownByera Village
BiabouKingstownPort Elizabeth
DoversChoiseulVieux Fort
CanariesPraslinAnse La Raye
HillsboroughGros IsletCap Estate
GrenvilleSainte-LuceLe Marin


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