March Weather Averages for Movilita

High Temp12°C53°F
Low Temp3°C38°F
Avg Temp7°C45°F
Sunshine Hours164 hours 
Rainfall47.29 mm1.86 In
Rain days6 days 
Pressure1017 mb31 In


Movilita March Averages Year by Year

YearHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
200815°C / 59°F5°C / 41°F9°C / 49°F247 hours18.00 mm / 0.71 In3 days1008 mb / 30 In
200911°C / 52°F2°C / 36°F7°C / 44°F192 hours42.22 mm / 1.66 In6 days1012 mb / 30 In
201010°C / 49°F2°C / 35°F5°C / 42°F198 hours54.20 mm / 2.13 In8 days1018 mb / 31 In
201110°C / 51°F1°C / 34°F5°C / 42°F158 hours10.10 mm / 0.40 In1 days1022 mb / 31 In
201210°C / 50°F0°C / 32°F5°C / 41°F210 hours13.25 mm / 0.52 In2 days1022 mb / 31 In
201310°C / 50°F1°C / 35°F5°C / 42°F132 hours63.87 mm / 2.51 In6 days1011 mb / 30 In
201414°C / 57°F5°C / 41°F9°C / 49°F201 hours53.79 mm / 2.12 In6 days1016 mb / 30 In
201511°C / 52°F3°C / 38°F7°C / 44°F119 hours75.78 mm / 2.98 In8 days1018 mb / 31 In
201612°C / 54°F5°C / 40°F8°C / 47°F166 hours76.15 mm / 3.00 In7 days1013 mb / 30 In
201714°C / 58°F5°C / 41°F9°C / 49°F198 hours48.51 mm / 1.91 In7 days1016 mb / 30 In
20188°C / 46°F0°C / 32°F4°C / 39°F109 hours93.72 mm / 3.69 In12 days1010 mb / 30 In
201915°C / 59°F5°C / 41°F10°C / 50°F208 hours23.19 mm / 0.91 In1 days1018 mb / 31 In
202014°C / 57°F5°C / 41°F9°C / 49°F155 hours37.73 mm / 1.49 In4 days1017 mb / 31 In
202110°C / 49°F2°C / 35°F5°C / 42°F147 hours106.96 mm / 4.21 In10 days1019 mb / 31 In
202210°C / 50°F1°C / 33°F5°C / 41°F149 hours13.80 mm / 0.54 In7 days1025 mb / 31 In
202314°C / 58°F6°C / 43°F10°C / 50°F148 hours5.10 mm / 0.20 In1 days1014 mb / 30 In
202414°C / 58°F7°C / 44°F10°C / 50°F136 hours38.31 mm / 1.51 In2 days1015 mb / 30 In


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