Fountain Valley March Weather Averages California, United States of America

March Weather Averages for Fountain Valley

High Temp18°C65°F
Low Temp12°C53°F
Avg Temp15°C59°F
Sunshine Hours275 hours 
Rainfall46.06 mm1.81 In
Rain days3 days 
Pressure1017 mb31 In


Fountain Valley March Averages Year by Year

YearHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
200820°C / 69°F10°C / 50°F15°C / 58°F355 hours1.10 mm / 0.04 In1 days1018 mb / 31 In
200919°C / 66°F10°C / 50°F14°C / 57°F323 hours6.00 mm / 0.24 In1 days1016 mb / 30 In
201019°C / 67°F10°C / 50°F14°C / 57°F311 hours12.90 mm / 0.51 In1 days1017 mb / 30 In
201117°C / 62°F10°C / 50°F13°C / 56°F278 hours94.09 mm / 3.70 In3 days1017 mb / 31 In
201217°C / 62°F9°C / 48°F13°C / 55°F303 hours42.70 mm / 1.68 In2 days1017 mb / 30 In
201319°C / 65°F11°C / 52°F15°C / 58°F308 hours13.70 mm / 0.54 In1 days1017 mb / 31 In
201419°C / 66°F12°C / 54°F16°C / 60°F305 hours24.47 mm / 0.96 In1 days1016 mb / 30 In
201522°C / 71°F14°C / 57°F17°C / 63°F309 hours22.50 mm / 0.89 In2 days1017 mb / 31 In
201619°C / 67°F13°C / 55°F16°C / 60°F285 hours29.10 mm / 1.15 In3 days1016 mb / 30 In
201720°C / 69°F13°C / 56°F17°C / 62°F302 hours4.70 mm / 0.19 In1 days1018 mb / 31 In
201817°C / 63°F13°C / 55°F15°C / 59°F249 hours65.26 mm / 2.57 In4 days1018 mb / 31 In
201918°C / 64°F13°C / 55°F15°C / 59°F264 hours56.70 mm / 2.23 In5 days1017 mb / 31 In
202017°C / 63°F12°C / 53°F15°C / 58°F152 hours95.73 mm / 3.77 In7 days1017 mb / 31 In
202118°C / 64°F11°C / 52°F14°C / 58°F302 hours35.30 mm / 1.39 In3 days1017 mb / 31 In
202221°C / 70°F12°C / 54°F16°C / 61°F286 hours36.40 mm / 1.43 In1 days1016 mb / 30 In
202317°C / 62°F9°C / 49°F13°C / 55°F171 hours153.70 mm / 6.05 In8 days1017 mb / 31 In
202417°C / 63°F13°C / 55°F15°C / 59°F248 hours43.76 mm / 1.72 In2 days1015 mb / 30 In


Hotels Near Fountain Valley

Cities Near Fountain Valley

Fountain ValleyHuntington BeachGarden Grove
WestminsterCosta MesaSanta Ana
Newport BeachStantonTustin
CypressSeal BeachRossmoor
Los AlamitosTustin FoothillsLa Palma
Hawaiian GardensFullertonBuena Park
Aliso ViejoSignal HillLong Beach
LakewoodBreaYorba Linda


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