July Weather Averages for Kavant

High Temp31°C88°F
Low Temp26°C78°F
Avg Temp28°C82°F
Sunshine Hours23 hours 
Rainfall458.34 mm18.04 In
Rain days18 days 
Pressure1002 mb30 In


Kavant July Averages Year by Year

YearHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
200830°C / 86°F25°C / 77°F27°C / 81°F31 hours328.11 mm / 12.92 In16 days1002 mb / 30 In
200931°C / 88°F26°C / 79°F28°C / 82°F43 hours522.57 mm / 20.57 In21 days1000 mb / 30 In
201031°C / 89°F26°C / 78°F28°C / 82°F40 hours375.14 mm / 14.77 In21 days1002 mb / 30 In
201131°C / 87°F25°C / 77°F28°C / 82°F14 hours734.81 mm / 28.93 In23 days1001 mb / 30 In
201231°C / 88°F26°C / 79°F28°C / 83°F35 hours236.66 mm / 9.32 In16 days1001 mb / 30 In
201330°C / 85°F25°C / 77°F27°C / 81°F0 hours613.74 mm / 24.16 In30 days1000 mb / 30 In
201433°C / 91°F26°C / 80°F29°C / 84°F69 hours516.56 mm / 20.34 In15 days1002 mb / 30 In
201531°C / 88°F25°C / 76°F28°C / 82°F22 hours646.05 mm / 25.43 In11 days1003 mb / 30 In
201630°C / 87°F25°C / 76°F27°C / 81°F2 hours320.86 mm / 12.63 In21 days1002 mb / 30 In
201730°C / 86°F24°C / 75°F27°C / 80°F1 hours797.62 mm / 31.40 In23 days1002 mb / 30 In
201830°C / 86°F24°C / 76°F27°C / 81°F1 hours555.61 mm / 21.87 In20 days1001 mb / 30 In
201932°C / 89°F27°C / 80°F29°C / 84°F40 hours390.48 mm / 15.37 In15 days1001 mb / 30 In
202033°C / 92°F27°C / 81°F30°C / 86°F21 hours177.39 mm / 6.98 In17 days1002 mb / 30 In
202132°C / 90°F27°C / 81°F29°C / 85°F86 hours152.77 mm / 6.01 In9 days1001 mb / 30 In
202230°C / 86°F25°C / 78°F27°C / 81°F0 hours353.25 mm / 13.91 In20 days1002 mb / 30 In
202331°C / 88°F26°C / 79°F28°C / 82°F1 hours610.85 mm / 24.05 In29 days1003 mb / 30 In
202432°C / 89°F26°C / 79°F28°C / 83°F0 hours329.04 mm / 12.95 In4 days1000 mb / 30 In


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