Oakton January Weather Averages Virginia, United States of America

January Weather Averages for Oakton

High Temp5°C41°F
Low Temp-2°C28°F
Avg Temp1°C34°F
Sunshine Hours177 hours 
Rainfall85.91 mm3.38 In
Rain days7 days 
Pressure1019 mb31 In


Oakton January Averages Year by Year

YearHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
20086°C / 43°F-1°C / 30°F2°C / 36°F220 hours39.60 mm / 1.56 In7 days1022 mb / 31 In
20093°C / 37°F-4°C / 25°F-1°C / 31°F213 hours75.47 mm / 2.97 In6 days1018 mb / 31 In
20104°C / 38°F-3°C / 26°F0°C / 32°F186 hours90.47 mm / 3.56 In5 days1018 mb / 31 In
20112°C / 36°F-4°C / 24°F-1°C / 30°F154 hours54.39 mm / 2.14 In5 days1017 mb / 31 In
20127°C / 45°F-1°C / 31°F3°C / 37°F216 hours52.53 mm / 2.07 In6 days1019 mb / 31 In
20137°C / 44°F-1°C / 31°F3°C / 37°F195 hours94.55 mm / 3.72 In8 days1022 mb / 31 In
20142°C / 36°F-6°C / 21°F-2°C / 28°F208 hours64.37 mm / 2.53 In7 days1019 mb / 31 In
20153°C / 37°F-4°C / 25°F0°C / 31°F184 hours88.19 mm / 3.47 In10 days1022 mb / 31 In
20164°C / 39°F-4°C / 25°F0°C / 32°F178 hours120.20 mm / 4.73 In4 days1018 mb / 31 In
20177°C / 44°F1°C / 33°F4°C / 39°F115 hours91.38 mm / 3.60 In8 days1018 mb / 31 In
20185°C / 41°F-3°C / 27°F1°C / 34°F183 hours49.60 mm / 1.95 In7 days1025 mb / 31 In
20195°C / 41°F-2°C / 28°F1°C / 35°F169 hours104.27 mm / 4.10 In6 days1020 mb / 31 In
20208°C / 46°F1°C / 34°F5°C / 40°F175 hours82.21 mm / 3.24 In7 days1021 mb / 31 In
20215°C / 42°F-1°C / 31°F2°C / 36°F185 hours71.24 mm / 2.80 In7 days1017 mb / 31 In
20224°C / 38°F-4°C / 25°F-1°C / 31°F154 hours102.80 mm / 4.05 In8 days1020 mb / 31 In
202310°C / 49°F3°C / 37°F6°C / 43°F141 hours78.90 mm / 3.11 In11 days1017 mb / 31 In
20246°C / 43°F-1°C / 31°F2°C / 36°F169 hours153.93 mm / 6.06 In7 days1019 mb / 31 In


Hotels Near Oakton

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