August Weather Averages for Lobnya

High Temp23°C74°F
Low Temp14°C57°F
Avg Temp18°C65°F
Sunshine Hours204 hours 
Rainfall66.51 mm2.62 In
Rain days8 days 
Pressure1015 mb30 In


Lobnya August Averages Year by Year

YearHigh TempLow TempAvg TempSunshine HoursRainfallRain daysPressure
200821°C / 70°F13°C / 56°F17°C / 63°F141 hours108.95 mm / 4.29 In9 days1010 mb / 30 In
200920°C / 67°F11°C / 53°F15°C / 59°F152 hours92.98 mm / 3.66 In10 days1015 mb / 30 In
201027°C / 81°F16°C / 61°F21°C / 70°F216 hours84.74 mm / 3.34 In13 days1012 mb / 30 In
201123°C / 73°F13°C / 56°F18°C / 64°F246 hours41.51 mm / 1.63 In6 days1015 mb / 30 In
201221°C / 70°F13°C / 55°F17°C / 62°F176 hours111.87 mm / 4.40 In12 days1013 mb / 30 In
201323°C / 73°F13°C / 56°F18°C / 64°F248 hours60.50 mm / 2.38 In9 days1016 mb / 30 In
201424°C / 76°F14°C / 57°F19°C / 66°F234 hours50.20 mm / 1.98 In10 days1012 mb / 30 In
201522°C / 72°F12°C / 54°F17°C / 63°F242 hours30.60 mm / 1.20 In4 days1020 mb / 31 In
201623°C / 74°F14°C / 58°F19°C / 66°F218 hours113.60 mm / 4.47 In7 days1016 mb / 30 In
201723°C / 74°F15°C / 58°F19°C / 66°F224 hours46.95 mm / 1.85 In8 days1017 mb / 31 In
201825°C / 77°F15°C / 59°F20°C / 68°F282 hours19.57 mm / 0.77 In5 days1017 mb / 31 In
201920°C / 68°F12°C / 53°F16°C / 60°F144 hours96.99 mm / 3.82 In6 days1015 mb / 30 In
202021°C / 70°F13°C / 55°F17°C / 62°F154 hours48.07 mm / 1.89 In9 days1014 mb / 30 In
202123°C / 74°F15°C / 59°F19°C / 66°F125 hours111.06 mm / 4.37 In12 days1014 mb / 30 In
202228°C / 82°F17°C / 62°F22°C / 71°F256 hours17.28 mm / 0.68 In3 days1020 mb / 31 In
202324°C / 75°F15°C / 59°F19°C / 67°F170 hours96.70 mm / 3.81 In11 days1016 mb / 30 In
202423°C / 74°F14°C / 57°F19°C / 65°F180 hours41.46 mm / 1.63 In4 days1013 mb / 30 In


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